Remember That "Ahhh Feeling"

When things work together for the is a beautiful thing. :) You know how you feel when you get to the end of a workout and you fall out on the floor due to exhaustion...with sweat rolling down your face, but your body feels so good. Or when you finished writing a research paper that took weeks of research and writing but in the end you got an A. Although at first it may seem like your goal is to hard to complete just remember the after....that "ahhh feeling"...that feels so wonderful. A sense of accomplishment rolls through you and you look for another goal to get that same kind of high. I believe we can say that is how we walk by faith. Remember all the times in your life when it just seemed like you could not handle one more disappointment, failure, stress or fear, but you can look back and see how far you have come. It is the same with your goals....each day you accomplish one or several will look back and see just how much you accomplished and it started one day at a time.

Your "goal girl"



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