Out of Control....But It's Okay :)

I have always wanted to be in control of everything in my life. I think this is fairly common in women. If someone wanted to play a game with me I would need to know all the rules, all the details before we even start the game. Some of my leaders would just say why do you need to know everything, let's just start playing. I have had issues of trust, rejection, and abandonment. If I had plans with someone and they cancelled or wanted to change the plans, it brought me a huge level of discomfort and anxiety. But I noticed the more I was in control in my life, the less happy I was. For example, because I have been in some poor relationships in the past, me trying to be in control was I would make sure to protect my heart and put up alot of walls. But you know what? I couldn't experience the people in my present that loved me and supported me. You may think...when I am in control I can protect myself, but that's not true. God never asked you to protect yourself. He told you to trust Him and love people. My mom taught me to do Proverbs 3:5-6 when I wake up in the morning. Alot of days I wake up and say,  "Father, I acknowledge you and trust you with all my heart. And I thank you for directing my steps today". So if you are holding on for dear life trying to control every part....take a deep breath...relax...and trust God to direct your steps. He will never leave you nor forsake you. And....He will never hurt you.

Your "goal girl"



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