Being A Good Receiver

We have all heard the scripture that says...."it is better to give than to receive". But how many believers actually know how to receive? I know for me this had been an area of pride and extremely humbling to receive from those around me. I guess because I had to fight so hard for all that I have in my life, when someone wanted to bless me, be kind, or some ways I didn't know how to handle it. Birthdays and Christmas used to be such difficult times for me, because it was all about giving and receiving. I would have to take a deep breath, sometimes break out crying before reading all the cards and looking at the gifts. I battled such low self-esteem. I would think to myself, why would someone want to give me something or write these kind words to me. I had beat myself up in so many areas of my life. All the mistakes I made, failures, and disappointments. But I realized that God loved me more than my mistakes. All of the giving I was doing and having issues of receiving was causing me to sin in my life. I couldn't even receive God's love and forgiveness when I was not a good receiver. So if you have issues of receiving....ask yourself this: Are you in any unforgiveness to yourself or others? Are you in pride? Are you in low self-esteem? Realize that you need to let all that go and get right with God, because He has so much love, provision, and comfort when you learn to receive. I believe it takes alot to be a great giver, but it think it takes great courage and trust to receive. So I challenge you to make it your goal to be a better receiver in every area of life. With every little detail of life.....just receive. Your "goal girl" [e].


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