The Goal To Share

One thing you will realize about me is that I love to be transparent. I will tell on myself in many areas and share my failures, faults, and triumphs. If I find out something that helps me in any area of my life or what hasn't helped me, I will gladly share it with those around me. Do you share with others different things that have helped you to be a better person? Don't be selfish and keep it all to yourself. Share it, because you never know how it can equip them for their life. I just had someone close to me share some news with me about something that could appear to be devastating news in their life. When I heard the news I first thought...will they be able to handle this? Will they get into fear or be discouraged? But I remembered that I had just shared with them the week before about casting your cares. My mom (Pastor Nancy) taught me that in my weekly healing life group when I call in. She said everyday when you wake up write down all your cares on a piece of paper. Then write a scripture next to each one of those cares and give it to God. She was teaching us how to do the Word of God. It says in 1 Peter 5:7: Casting the whole of your care [all your anxieties, all your worries, all your concerns, once and for all] on Him, for He cares for you affectionately and cares about you watchfully. (AMP). So when I heard that the person close to me had received a bad report, in my heart I knew they had all the tools to fight and stand with God through the situation. But it first started with Pastor Nancy sharing what has helped her, in turn I shared it with those close to me what has helped me. So, if people have taught you things that have helped you in your life.....make it a goal to share it with someone else today.

Your "goal girl"



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