Is The Grass Always Greener?

I remember reading a devotional plan in regards to weight loss, but it also made me think about other areas of life. As women we compare ourselves all the time to other women. We wish we had her legs, her arms, her figure, her hair, or outright her life! If you are overweight you wish you could be the skinny girl that dresses so cute all the time you perceive has the perfect life, she may deal with anorexia issues and depression. The successful business woman that seems like her career is at its highest peak and she has accumulated alot of financial wealth, deals with loneliness and wants to be married and have babies. You may be the person people are looking at because it looks like you have the perfect life! Perceptions can lie to us all the time. We sometimes perceive them as truth. You never really know what a person is going through in life. I remember I went up to my Pastor and he told me this......"Ericka you have it pretty good in life. You really don't have any issues". He then said, "there are people that are really having a tough time and you need to stop looking at others". After hearing these words I thought about my life and realized I was so busy looking at what I thought I was missing out on, I neglected all the wonderful things I had in my own life. The grass always seems greener on the other side, but you can make your grass greener, by watering what is in front of you. Whatever shape, size, or circumstance you have been given in life, be thankful for that. So today's goal of the day: Enjoy your own grass and water it, then you will see your grass will be greener on your side and not the other. Your "goal girl" [e].


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