Mix It Up Month...A New Goal

I don't know about you, but I can get easily bored if I do the same kind of workouts over and over again. That is why I am always creating new goals for myself......new challenges that will excite me to workout and continue to be better. This also applies to other areas in my life which you will see throughout the next few weeks in my blog. In November, I did Jillian Michaels, Ripped in 30. It was a lot of fun and it was something new. I saw alot of results, but ready again for something different. Right now money was kind of tight....so I didn't want to purchase a new DVD so I decided to do a challenge I made up last week and it's called...."Mix It Up Month" and I started on Monday, January 14th and I have a little over two weeks left to go. With this challenge, I took all the workout DVD's I currently own and do one workout from one of the DVD's for 5 days straight. This is my current week of workouts: Monday (Chalene Johnson,Cardio Party), Tuesday (Jillian Michaels, 30 Day Shred Level 2), Wednesday (Jillian Michaels, Ripped in Thirty Level 2), Thursday (Sean T's, Insanity Plyometric Cardio Circuit), and tomorrow (Leandro Carvalho, Brazillian Butt Lift Cardio Axe and Upper Cuts). But each week I pick a new workout from one of those DVD's. Now I feel like I am doing something different and fun even though it is what I already have. I challenge you to create a goal of working out with the DVD's you already own. And if you don't like everything you own...go to your local library. This is a great place to go to find out about workout DVD's before you purchase them. Before I purchased Jillian Michael's, Ripped in Thirty, I checked it out from the library and found out I really liked it. I got to keep it for three weeks....that's 21 days...that's a great start for any goal. I mentioned earlier I have a little over two weeks left. Won't you jump in with me for the next two weeks. Start Monday! Till next time......your "goal girl", [e].


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