Did You Make Your Vision Plain?

The Bible says to write down the vision and make it plain. (Habakkuk 2:2). God was first in the business of teaching us the importance of goal setting. It is so important to recognize what captures your attention everyday. What are you looking at? What are you pursuing? How do you use your time? When you have goals that you have written down, your mind is subconsciously trying to figure out how to accomplish them and you will use all your time, energy, resources and effort to figure out how to get it done. Take a look at some interesting statistics in regards to goal setting.

Study 1
According to Dave Kohl, professor emeritus at Virginia Tech:
  1. People who regularly write down their goals earn nine times as much over their lifetimes as people who don't.
  2. 80% of Americans say they don't have goals.
  3. 16% do have goals but don't write them down.
  4. Less than 4% write down their goals and fewer than 1% review them on an ongoing basis.
Study 2
Psychology professor, Dr. Gail Matthews, of the Dominican University of California conducted a study on goals that included 267 participants from a wide variety of businesses, organizations, and networking groups throughout the United States.  The results of her study were "Share your goals with a friend."  There is a complete explanation of the experiment, how it was organized, and the results of the different groups in the study.  I think it's a little too detailed for this blog, but if you're interested checking it out click here Strategies for Achieving Goals.  The upshot of the study is this:
  1. People who wrote down their goals, shared this information with a friend, and sent weekly updates to that friend were on average 33% more successful in accomplishing their stated goals than those who merely formulated goals.
So if you haven't already....please start writing down your goals.

Until tomorrow,

Your "goal girl"



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