The Goal To Be Obedient

Everyone knows that voice, that still small voice that speaks to them everyday. Some say it's your conscience, others say its your intuition but really it is the Holy Spirit. I want you to look over your life and ask yourself this simple question...."Have you always obeyed that still small voice in every area of your life?" Has God shown you how to be successful at work, or be a better employee? But you did not do it. Did he give you a creative idea or invention and you did not go after it. Did He tug on your heart and your Bible or get up early to spend time with Him, but getting those extra 10 - 20 minutes of sleeping in the bed seemed more advantageous to you at the time. Has he said don't eat that cake, eat an apple. That is not just you thinking that, that is God helping you to make a healthy decision so you can live longer to accomplish the plans He has for your life. God is talking to us all the time. He sent the Holy Spirit to guide and direct our steps (Proverbs 3:5-6), but some times we just don't want to listen. Sometimes its just because we want to be lazy and not put in the effort or you have been fear stricken to step out into the land of uncertainty. But God has not given you the Spirit of fear and He knows the plans He has for you. So don't be afraid of His leading, because He will lead you to life and life more abundantly. So today......make it your goal to allow the Holy Spirit to lead you in every area of your life by being obedient to His voice. Your "goal girl" [e].


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