Breakthrough Is On The Horizon

I have been believing God for many things in my life, but I finally see the light at the end of the breakthrough is on the horizon! I have been walking through the seemed like forever. Wondering when would I ever make it to the other side and then...bam! I walk another step and I am out the forest. I went to a financial conference tonight, not expecting to run into my Pastor. But when I did....he began to talk to me and ask me questions about a part of my life. Then he began to talk to me about other areas as well. Everything he said was accurate and confirmed in my heart by God. I finally know what I need to do with certain decisions. I finally know what direction to take. I have times in the past when I would have extreme pressure hitting me at every corner of life then my breakthrough would happen. The answered prayer would come to pass. I told you girls in January that I was fasting something every month this year. This week was a very tough week for me in fasting and I was getting hit with alot of pressure from every angle in my life....sound familiar? But I had to keep moving forward and I am so glad I did. I would not have heard the very precious words my Pastor spoke to me that I so desperately needed at this time in my life. So the next time you feel all the pressure beating down on you...know this..your breakthrough is right more step and you will be out the forest and make it to the other side with the promises of God. :)

Your "goal girl"



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