Fasting 2013 Goal

Well, it is the month of January and it's almost over. At my church we were encouraged to fast for the month and expect God to do great things in our life. Since I have been fasting I have noticed God bringing me clarity in areas that I always seem to struggle with. Feeling rejected has been an area of frustration and sadness....but I have learned to combat those thoughts with the Word of God through the years. My Pastor spoke about fasting at Wednesday night service. He said that when you fast that you are able to get strong and overcome those areas that have controlled you. I can now recognize when wrong thoughts come to me and I thank God for helping me and I say the Word of God against it. Why am I talking about fasting on a goal oriented site? Well I see that this month of fasting has helped me tremendously and I propose a challenge for us. What about doing a fast every month. Something you can give up so you can become closer to God for the rest of the year in 2013. I am going to do it...hopefully you will jump in. Until we meet again.....[e].


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