Here We "Goal" Again!

I began a blog like this over two years ago. This is the second one I created. So, it's been a long time, but I plan to be consistent because I have alot of things I would like to share. Completing goals has alot to do with being consistent. I remember one time I went up to my Pastor (Pastor Robb) and told him that I have trouble being consistent. He said to me...."Well, that's not true!" He then asked me, "do you take a shower everyday?", "brush your teeth?", "go to work?", "go to church?" I said "yes". He said, "so it's not that you are not consistent, but you are." If you have said to yourself that you can't spend time with God everyday, I can't workout 3-5 times a week, finish a book, lose those last 5 pesky pounds, or whatever excuse you have of why you can't be consistent to ultimately complete a goal, I am hear to say that it is not true. You have the ability to complete any goal you desire to accomplish and others are here to cheer you on to finish. It is my desire through this blog that you will see some of the things that I have done in my life and that I currently do in order to accomplish my goals. I also want this to be a place where you will be able to post your goals and as "U Goal Girl" Community we can help each other complete our goals through encouragement, testimony, and practical steps to get to where we ultimately want to be. The funny thing of how God helped me with completing goals first began in the area of fitness and losing weight. I have a whole story behind how God helped me in my physical life and how it has spread throughout my whole life. I will share that stay tuned. [e]. :)


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