Be Encouraged.....Be Thankful

I feel like I can be myself here on "U Goal Girl" here I go again with being transparent...haha. Have you ever wondered to yourself...I thought I would be somewhere different by this time in my life? Maybe you thought I should have at least been married, had some kids, career (that you love! :), wonderful relationships, you know...the dream life. Whatever your dream life may look like....that's how I would describe mine. But then you look around and you don't see what you initially envisioned. Well I have felt like that myself. At the beginning of this year the Lord had placed it on my heart to write "Everyday Thank You Notes To The Lord". I have a I opened an app and I created a note page. Every single day since Dec 31st I go in and write down something that the Lord did for me that day. Whether he gave me wisdom at work and redeemed my time....down to finding my lost pair of earrings! I thank God everyday, no matter how I feel, whether it was a good day or bad day....there is always something I can thank God for. Sometimes I have many things to write down that He did. I began to get excited and anticipate what He was going to do the next day, because of what He did all the other days. By doing this daily goal I realize not only have I become more thankful, but I can actually see what God does in my life every single day. He has never left me or forsaken me. Now that does not mean that I don't have days of feeling discouraged, or I don't feel like what it is my heart is never going to happen. But when I open up my "thank you notes list" I am reminded of His goodness and faithfulness in my life. So if you are feeling down begin to write down at least one thing you can be thankful for. When you start looking at what He has done and what He is currently doing, you will have no problem believing what He is going to do in your future. In Jeremiah 29:11 the Bible says, "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Remember He loves you and it is all about His perfect timing....because He already has the plan. Be thankful. [e].


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