How It All Began.......Part II

The first day I was so excited and pumped. I decided everyday that I worked out to post it on Facebook. Another form of accountability. Little did I know this would be a great support for me in the end. I also sensed accomplishment by posting and that I could go on. After the third day, my legs were very sore, I had to massage them for about thirty to forty five minutes before the pain would go away. But I did not let that stop me. This also happened other times during the thirty days. I made sure to eat correctly, I even fasted sweets and watched the fried foods that I ate. Every day of the challenge I pressed forward, even if I did not want to workout, I looked passed my feelings and looked at the end result. This challenge was one of the most difficult things that I have ever done so far in my life. The videos were extremely hard and they took great effort to finish them at least at that time. But as I began to count the days down, I began to see the results that I had always wanted to see for so many years. Toned arms, stomach, legs. I looked slim in my clothes, and I began to really like myself and who God created me to be. I was able to bless someone with my whole wardrobe. On the last few days of the challenge I decided I was going to pick the hardest videos and finish the challenge strong. I had come to final day. Final video. I remember starting the video with so much excitement that I was on the final day. I couldn’t believe it. I had made it. I worked out hard and with everything that I had. I remember it was right before the cool down and I had finished the last jump. Then Jillian said now it’s time for the cool down. I started to cry. I cried so hard I couldn’t even see, I could barely finish the cool down. All I wanted to do was worship God. I remember asking myself, what in the world are you crying about, it was just a workout, but no it wasn’t, it was so much more. This is what I learned. As I reflected on my thirty days I learned the following. Whenever God tells you to do anything in life He will give you the grace to complete it, no matter how hard it may seem. I learned to be disciplined in every area of my life and how to make myself accountable. I learned to finish whatever God has told you to do strong and give every effort to complete it. I learned how to have to eat correctly, and eat the things I enjoyed in moderation. I learned obedience. I learned endurance and strength. I learned how to trust God more and not my feelings. I learned that even though God can tell you to do something impossible, with Him it will become possible. And I learned how to walk at a higher level of excellence in my walk with God and let it overflow into every area of my life. So while, this started out to be about losing weight, I have gained so many principles and the freedom to walk them out. Thank you God.


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