A New Day

Wow, Wow, Wow, is all I can say for this fantastic and spectacular year of 2014. I have had so many wonderful things going on I don't even know where to start. I have moved into my own place since March (something I have been wanting to do for many years), I have been on a local TV show, I have sang a duet on the stage at my church (huge honor and blessing), I have spoken at my local Chamber of Commerce and a local high school, I just won best speaker for my first speech at Toastmasters and God has healed my broken heart and made it whole again. I love my friends and family like never before. I am excited about the future and what the future is to bring. Thankful and grateful for all those that have stood by my side, loving me and encouraging me to keep moving forward. I don't know where I would be without them. I am in awe of God's loving kindness towards me and I look forward to helping others see His love. So many years I listened to the thoughts of defeat...."Nob...