Stepping Out

It's been awhile since I have posted anything, but I have accomplished several goals while I have been away. :) Right now, I am finally going to share with people my story. Keep on the look out for my website. It will be up in the next week or so. This has been something I have been wanting to do for over 8 years and I finally see it will be accomplished. Just because a dream delays doesn't mean it wasn't meant to happen for you. Sometimes you need to heal inside, sometimes its not the right time or you need to gain the wisdom and knowledge for your dream. I have had huge set backs even in most recent years, but I keep moving forward. I keep running, persevering, enduring no matter what it takes to become who I truly am inside. I encourage you ladies to step out of your comfort zone, step out of your past, step out and step into YOU! Who you already are.

Love your "goal girl"



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