Workout As Easy As 5-4-3-2-1!

Ladies....I really enjoy working out, but sometimes my favorite TV show is on when I am ready to workout. Since I wanted to kill two birds with one stone, I googled and found this fantastic workout called the "5-4-3-2-1 At-Home Circuit Workout found here: This is a 15 minute workout, but don't let the small amount of time fool you that it will be easy. It kicked my butt! As many of you know I love challenges and I thought, hey this will be a breeze. It got my heart pounding and breathing heavy right in the beginning of the workout.

Here is the is broken down into 5 minutes, 4 minutes, 3 minutes...etc. Again from

5 minutes: 

You can do anything: walk, run, jump rope, elliptical,
If you’re at home

1 min high knees
1 min jumping jacks
1 min front kicks
1 min jumping jacks
1 min run in place

4 minutes:
1 minute walking lunges (or alternating regular lunges)
1 minute mountain climbers
repeat for 4 minutes 

3 minutes:
10 pushups / rest
15 triceps dips / rest
(Optional 15 downward dog push ups/rest)
repeat for 3 minutes

2 minutes:
30 seconds regular squats
30 seconds jump squats
30 seconds regular squats
30 seconds jump squats

1 minute

The whole workout should take about 15 minutes; intermediate repeat for a total of 2 times through; advanced repeat for a total of 3 times through


I have already done this workout over 4x's. I love it! It is pretty intense....I have even added doing downward dog push ups during the 3 minute interval...I did 10 regular pushups,15 tricep dips, then 15 downward dog push ups then repeat. The workout is a challenge, but it feels so good when you finish. And remember it is only for 15 it won't take long. :)

This workout is also great if your on vacation, since you don't need anything but yourself!

Today's challenge: do some kind of exercise. Even while watching your favorite TV show of course! Works for me....haha.

Talk to you soon!

Your "goal girl"




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