Insanity Round 2 (2 years later)

I did Insanity for the first time on June 23, 2011. It was tough, but at the end, I am really happy I did it and how my endurance was out the roof. Now, what possessed me to do this again, I don't know. I needed another challenge and so I just pulled out the Insanity fit test yesterday and wrote down my results. Not bad after two years: Switch kicks: 39 (2 kicks =1) Power Jacks: 50 Power Knees: 116 Power Jumps: 26 Globe Jumps: 8 (still kicks my butt) Suicide Jumps: 18 Push-up Jacks: 15 Low Plank Oblique: 48 I did Plyometric Cardio Circuit today and it felt great. Still a challenge too! The cool thing about doing Insanity now is that my body remembers alot of the moves. I am not as fatigued either. Now, it is still a tough workout, but my endurance is still pretty good. Throughout the last two years I would pull out an Insanity video here and there and mix into my regular workout videos. But now, I am ready to do it for the full 63 program. I also want to do Insanity for...