Back In The Swing of Things

Hey, U Goal Girls! The last time we talked I had a few goals going on. My latest update was I wanted to get to 100 situps and 100 consecutive man push ups. I did 105 situps! Woohoo. I did 21 man pushups...took a break then came back and did another 20. My highest goal for consecutive man ups is 40. I am still going after the goal. :) I am excited about the direction "U Goal Girl" is taking. I will keep you informed about it in the weeks to come. I am so thankful for all of you that read this blog. It is being read all around the world. So I will continue to write and hopefully one day, you will share your goals and the steps you took to get there. Goal challenge: Have you written down any goals lately? Are you going towards any one, two, or three of them? If you haven't....don't wait....start today. Until tomorrow.

Your "goal girl",



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