Going For The GOAL!

Hey, Ladies. Okay....so I am back! I wanted to make sure everyone had a chance to read about Rakisha's fantastic accomplishment! So proud of you Rakisha. :) Since I have been attempting my crazy push up challenge I have had women tell me that they have been encouraged to try to do "one man push up". Other ladies told me that they have done ladies push ups and they continue to increase their reps. I am so proud of you ladies...keep up the good work. As for me...I am back in the swing of things. Working out three times a week. I got up to 38 push ups today, but still striving for the 100 push ups goal. :) Something I started last week was a sit up challenge. I wanted to do 100 situps three days a week. I got up to 65 today! So Monday, Wednesday and Friday I will be going towards my 100 push ups goal. And Tuesday, Thursday and Saturdays I will do my 100 situps goal. I did clapping push ups today. I did a total of 4. They are pretty hard. I also did 10 staggered push ups. And finished up with 25 man push ups. So it was a great day. Looking forward to tomorrow. 

Your "goal girl"



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